
Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Grant Road School Dress Code

We would like to remind parents/guardians about appropriate clothing for students attending elementary school.  Students are asked not to wear spaghetti straps (2 finger rule applies), muscle shirts, bare midriffs, cut away tops, shirts advertising alcoholic beverages or inappropriate messages.  Skirts and shorts should be longer than the length of your arm hanging relaxed by your side.  
Thank you for your cooperation. 

Monday, 5 May 2014

Weather and Water

Here's an experiment you can try at home to create clean water:

Clean Water Experiment

Check out the weather!

Weather Network

And the water cycle song!

Water Cycle Song

Water Cycle Rap

Friday, 2 May 2014

Science Weather Sites

We have started our new unit on air and water in our environment.  Today we started exploring a couple of science websites with lots of games and information.  Here they are:

Science Kids

Water Use It Wisely